For Sale
We choose carefully the broodmares and stallions each season, so we can keep providing the best quality to our costumers!
If one of our horses look interesting to you, feel free to contact us for more information!
We have competitive prices and high quality in coloured and solid warmbloods!
Prices in euro:
Cat A (5.500€ - 8.000€)
Cat B (8.500€ - 16.000€)
Cat C (16.500€ - 20.000€)
Cat D (20.500€ - 25.000€)
Cat E (25.500€ - 30.000€)
Cat F (above 35.500€)
Foals, Broodmares & Young Horses:
Ohio de Peru x Bonanza
This colt will make your competition dreams come true!
Heterozygous Leopard & PATN1 (his coat will change over time = more spots)
Extremely tall and balanced.
Expected to be at least 1.70m tall.
Price - Cat B
Several available
From proven mother lines!
Performance, rideability and soundness are our main focus.
solid - from Cat A
heterozygous - from Cat B
homozygous - Cat C/ D